Vic Simianu
Principal, CEO Founder
Vic Simianu's Bio
Sphinx Strategies is a consulting group focusing on developing and maintaining highly-integrated and collaborative Specialty Pharmacy operations. While Payors and PBM’s continue to force adoption of enhanced competitive requirements, specialty pharmacies face the compounded effect of time constraints, regulatory hurdles, and constant reimbursement challenges. Sphinx Strategies targets the effectiveness and speediness of their approach by combining efforts in accreditations, operational excellence, and data analytics in each phase of their projects for clients to achieve and surpass double and triple-digit ROI’s per engagement. The Sphinx portfolio of clients range from independent pharmacies to large IDN’s, ACO’s, and publicly traded pharmacies and insurers.
Accreditations often lay the foundation for specialty pharmacies to compete in the marketplace and develop key partnerships paramount to success in the industry. Being one of the first ACHC-Certified Specialty Pharmacy Consultants as well as achieving one of the first URAC Specialty Pharmacy accreditations, Vic has ridden the exponential growth within the SP industry as accreditations have become primary differentiators for pharmacies. He intimately understands the nature and history of the accrediting bodies, the rapid evolution of the accreditation standards themselves, and the ever-expanding value behind engaging and maintaining accredited processes.
Specifically, within Oncology, Vic has integrated and developed specialty services with IDN’s across the nation, managed acute and outpatient purchasing supply chains, and took part in planning and preparing operations for a state-of-the-art Proton Cancer Therapy Center. Recently, one of his clients also achieved the newly released and highly sought-after Specialty Pharmacy Distinction in Oncology Accreditation through ACHC. Vic’s experience in seeing the specialty pharmacy industry grow from many perspectives helps Sphinx Strategies achieve the goal of “Carving Excellence in Specialty Pharmacy” and capture unprecedented patient outcomes in Oncology among many other specialty diseases states.
Vic holds an MBA in Life Sciences, Entrepreneurship, and Finance from Indiana University’s prestigious Kelley School of Business as well as a degree in Biotechnology and Management from Indiana University. A self-proclaimed “Hoosier at heart,” Vic is the Principal Consultant, CEO, and Founder of Sphinx Strategies that recently moved operations from South Florida to Boulder, Colorado.