Specialty Pharmacy Partner Network

SPRYNG Specialty Pharmacy Partner Network is a select group of accredited independent specialty pharmacies

Specialty Pharmacies from across the country have joined forces to create a one-of-a-kind preferred nationwide independent specialty pharmacy network. SPRYNG Network drives additional avenues for key stakeholders in the specialty pharmacy supply chain to have added value that currently is not available through the traditional independent specialty pharmacy. SPRYNG Network works with pharmaceutical organizations, PBM’s, payers, 340B entities as well other organizations in key specialty therapies.

About Spryng

In Mid-August of 2019 the Sphinx Strategies Team had the idea of creating a network of the highest performing regional independent specialty pharmacies as a contracting and fulfillment option to industry partners, plans, and PBM’s. Since we at Sphinx take great pride in our member’s passion of in providing best in class patient care, we saw an opportunity to ease the pain for many of our members while capitalizing on their respective footing in their current licensure, coverage, and drug access.

Although each independent specialty pharmacy varies widely across the nation in terms of disease class expertise and focus, they all have two common denominators: (1) they all are fighting the same contracting and reimbursement fight, and (2) they all have a burning passion for the care they provide their patients, with the quality data to back up the claims. The idea is to create a preferred nation-wide specialty pharmacy network for our current clients and a maximum of 50 members to do 3 things:

Boost Revenue

Boost revenue and capitalize on existing contract coverage for members who are currently turfing rejections out of the SPPN network.

Reduce Cost and Save Time

Reduce cost and save time by overlapping efforts on contracting, credentialing, and lost referrals that are concurrent or have already been in the SPYNG network

Drive margin growth

Drive margin growth by competitively bidding and gaining access to new medications, health plan and PBM opportunities, MCO/TPA/IDN and Hospital 340B opportunities and models, novel industry partnerships focused on disruptive technologies, and discounted pricing with vendors and suppliers in the industry – so for all of our conversations have demonstrated that there is a major need in the contracting space for given plans and payors options for independent regional contracting as a whole, so service is not lost while we can maintain cost competition on most items.


Set the network

Whether our partners are looking for an individual specialty pharmacy or multiple specialty pharmacies with unprecedented services, accreditations, limited distribution drug access, and multi-state licenses, SPRYNG Network can fit all organizational needs through our deep network of contracted specialty pharmacies

Set the requirements

Depending on how our key organizations are looking to grow, SPRYNG has the capabilities to customize how we dispense, track, and report utilization back to our partners. We partner on the workflow components and SPRYNG Network members will adapt to meet those needs and desires.


SPRYNG Network will receive, track, adjudicate, and deliver on all set requirements from our partners. On a frequent basis, Sphinx will extract all network data KPI’s back to the contracted partner.

Sign Up

Ready to join Sphinx? Have questions? Send us a message and we will be in touch with you shortly.