COVID-19 has made our lives very different in 2020. Although the Sphinx Team has been used to staying in the air between states and sites for >100 days each year, even us frequent flyers have had to put a halt to our routine of the last few years. However, our team has taken the challenge in stride and ensured that our clients do not skip a beat!
What we’ve done to protect our staff while keeping our commitment to guidance:
• All mock audits and on-site visits have been moved virtually through web-conferencing services – we are not requiring our staff to travel or visit sites until vaccination
• On-Site visits can still be scheduled in certain circumstances and geographic locations – please contact us for more details
• Our remote solutions including TEMPYL™ , SYLTOS™ , and ACCREDITGUARD™ can now be leveraged for remote work and access to the various components that routinely were completed on-site
• We are still hiring! We are pleased to have hired a Boulder-based Project Manager within the last month, and we have doubled our staff in the past 12 months! We are excited to keep the momentum going and continue driving value to our partners and members – find out more about our team and available positions at info@sphinxstrategies.com
For information – including up-to-date information on FDA approvals within the COVID-19 pipeline, including valuations and expectations for pandemic guidance, employee training policies, infection control parameters and requirements, become a TEMPYL member today – or contact us to find out more about how we bring these resources to your doorstep